When you spend a lot of time on a computer you may find yourself wishing there was a faster way to get your work done.
That’s one of the reasons I started coding. It gave me a way to tell computers how to do my work for me so I could spend my time elsewhere.
Anytime you’re using a program on your computer or a web app online there are going to be keyboard shortcuts available that can speed up your workflow.
Here are some shortcuts I use every day.
(These shortcuts are for a PC, but they work on a Mac with the Cmd key instead of Ctrl.)
Ctrl + C = copy the highlighted text
Ctrl + V = paste the text you copied
Ctrl + X = cut the highlighted text
Home = move the blinky line to the beginning
End = move the blinky line to the end
Ctrl + Backspace = delete a whole word
Ctrl + B = bold the highlighted text
Ctrl + I = italicize the highlighted text
Ctrl + U = underline the highlighted text
Ctrl + S = save what you’re working on
Ctrl + Z = undo what you just did
Ctrl + A = select everything
Tab = move to the next box
Shift + Tab = move back to the previous box
Chrome Browser
Ctrl + R = refresh the browser
Ctrl + W = close the tab
Ctrl + Shift + I = open the element inspector
Ctrl + U = view the webpage source code
Ctrl + T = open a new tab
Ctrl + N = open a new window
Ctrl + Shift + N = open a new private window