How to Use Beaver Builder (and other goodies)


Pages are made out of rows stacked on top of each other.

Rows are made of columns stacked beside each other.

Columns are made of modules on top of each other.

You can move modules, columns and rows.

You can edit the settings for modules, columns and rows.

You can duplicate modules, columns and rows.

You can delete modules, columns and rows.

You can drag new stuff onto the page from the plus sign in the top right.

You can save modules, columns, rows and pages as templates.

These templates will show up in the Saved tab inside the plus sign box.

You can save templates as global to use in more than one place.

Beaver Builder edits the content area of a page.

Beaver Themer lets you edit the header and footer areas.

Themer also lets you create templates for single post and archive layouts.

There are expansion packs you can install to get more modules.

I like PowerPack and Ultimate Addons for Beaver Builder.

There are two menus in the top left.

You can undo any changes you make.

You can preview what your page looks like.

You can go into responsive mode to see what the page looks like on different devices.

In the Advanced settings tab you can choose to show or hide modules, columns and rows on different devices.

You can copy/paste settings and styles between modules, columns and rows.

You can hit the device icon next to a setting to switch to that screen size and then make changes to the settings that only show on that device.

When you’re ready to save, hit the Done button and choose Save Draft, Discard or Publish.

When there are more tabs than space there will be a tab at the end with three dots to let you see what else is available.

You can get to the column settings by clicking the column icon on a module.