Lessons I Learned from Writing Blog Posts for 30 Days

This is a big milestone for me.

A couple of months ago I decided to try and create 30 pieces of content.

I kept hearing from successful people I follow that when they started creating useful content for their audience every day that it changed their lives.

This made sense because the more content you have out in the world, the more chances you have to reach people and find ways to help them with their problems (which can eventually turn into money that would help me solve some of my own problems).

But I had trouble getting started.

In fact, it took me a week just to decide what type of content I was going to create and where I was going to post it.

Eventually I decided to write blog posts on my business website because I felt like I could easily come up with content if I just took problems that I solved the day before and write about them the day after.

This worked for the most part, but I still ran into issues.

I thought I could write a blog post at the end of the day, but after working long hours and wanting time with my family that just never happened.

When I made myself write for an hour in the morning, before I could eat breakfast, then I started seeing some progress.

It takes longer to write if I edit while I’m writing instead of just freeflowing and then going back to edit later.

I did have one day where I took a recording and transcribed it. That seemed like it worked really well because I prefer sending audio messages to people that they can listen to later, but the work I do is better explained through words and pictures or video.

Writing feels like a struggle for me at times when I think what I’m writing is really important or when I’m trying too hard.

If I don’t care then it seems easier.

And if I don’t edit myself while I’m writing then that also makes it easier.

I would like to take the easy route and just record audio and video, but I know that when I’m consuming content that is trapped inside an audio or video file that it’s hard to find just the pieces I need to solve my problem.

Miles Beckler has a 90 Day Challenge where he says to produce 90 pieces of content over 90 days.

Now that I’m at day 30 I think I can make it to day 60 and then eventually to day 90 and beyond.

But I need to make some adjustments to my process so that it’s easier and more enjoyable.

For the next 30 days I’m going to have someone in mind when I write so that it’s easier to keep the content focused and useful for a specific situation.

I also think if I come up with a rough outline for the next 30 days that it would help during those times when I need a topic to write on.

Having a structure to follow for each blog post would help also.

I would also like to find a central theme that I could use to write my content around. Right now I’m considering the theme of “taking action” because a majority of my time is spent creating websites where the goal is to have a visitor take action and coming up with ways to help them do that.

Not sure how to end this, but in summary.. I wrote for 30 days.. I’m gonna keep going.. hopefully it helps people and gets us all closer to our dreams.